Lee un libro Merriam-Webster's First Dictionary de Merriam-Webster Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Descargar Merriam-Webster's First Dictionary de Merriam-Webster libros ebooks
Reseña del editor A beginner's dictionary written for children in grades K-2, ages 5-7, introduces young readers to almost 3,000 words using 1,000 entries--many new and revised for 2012--with hundreds of captivating illustrations by Ruth Heller. Full sentences are used to discuss definitions, common phrases and usage examples in age-appropriate language to show how words are used in context. Many entries include alternate meanings, word histories, related words and phonetic pronunciations.
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Merriamwebsters first dictionary merriamwebster merriamwebsters first dictionary written for children in grades k2 ages 57 this reference for young readers introduces almost 3000 words using 1000 entries with hundreds of captivating illustrations by ruth heller